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Avondale Primary School Leaders

By Greg Piper
Category: Local Legends

I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to the newly elected primary school leadership team at Avondale School. Alannah Morton and Samuel Renshaw have won the respect and trust of their peers, and have been elected as the 2024 school captains. They both have excellent leadership skills, and I am sure they will strive to represent Avondale Primary School with integrity and enthusiasm. This year's Sport's House Captains are Bethany Klepzig, Charles Smith, Bowen Jakes, Isla Jess, Zoe Harrison, Samuel Brown, Amelia Hill and James Smith. The 2024 Prefects are Ruby-Mae Tams, Katharine Tasker, Romey Radford, Shelbie Mitchell, Jonty Edwards, Felipe Gutierrez, Judah Borgas and Cayden Naidoo. These young leaders now have the responsibility of helping to deliver Avondale School's objective which is to encourage each student to be the very best they can be in all areas that they involve themselves in. Congratulations again to Avondale Primary School's 2024 Captains, Sports Captains and Prefects. I am sure that you will have a remarkable year together.