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Avondale School Leaders

By Greg Piper
Category: Local Legends

Being elected to a high school leadership position is an honour and is the ultimate vote of confidence in these young people's ability to lead the student body and represent their school with integrity. I would like to congratulate Avondale School's newly elected, 2024 leadership team. Caleb Morton has been elected as a School Captain, he is a confident and capable leader who excels in being up front and leading the student leadership team and is a solid role model to his peers. Ebony Dunne has been elected as a School Captain and is another confident and capable leader. She is a student who is compassionate and has high levels of personal integrity. Desire Sibanda has been voted in as a Vice Captain and is an excellent role model to junior students, who constantly supports others. Lillee Sawyer has also been elected as a Vice Captain and is a student of high principle and thorough in her approach to her work. She also has excellent leadership qualities. Congratulations again to Caleb, Ebony, Desire and Lillee.