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Hunter Mountains Bike Association

By Greg Piper
Category: Local Legends

Lake Macquarie is home to one of Australia's best mountain bike parks, namely the Awaba Mountain Bike Park, which is run and maintained by the Hunter Mountain Bike Association. Recently the Association hosted the 2024 GWM Mountain Bike National Championships, an event which attracted more than 1000 of Australia's best riders with junior, masters and expert categories. This event is a gateway to the 2024 Paris Olympics and UCI World Championships and included a variety of mountain bike disciplines. The six-day spectacle was attended by thousands of spectators, including myself, and was truly a sight to behold. I would like to acknowledge the huge effort by the HMBA Volunteers who spent months getting different tracks ready for the championships and creating new competition sections at the park. Over the past decade, these volunteers have worked tirelessly to more than double the number of mountain bike trails freely available to the public, turning it into a world class facility. I congratulate the Hunter Mountain Bike Association on the success of the 2024 GWM Mountain Bike National Championships and thank them for all their work at the Awaba Mountain Bike Park.