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Joanna Rees

By Greg Piper
Category: Local Legends

There's no doubt Lake Macquarie is one of the most naturally beautiful areas in our state, but like everywhere the aesthetic can take a hit when marred by rubbish left around by careless individuals. I would like to acknowledge the efforts of 69-year-old Joanna Rees from Toronto, who, for the past two years has made it her personal crusade to keep Lake Macquarie looking its very best. Joanna can frequently be found trawling the local streets, carparks, parks and communal areas outside the Royal Motor Yacht Club Toronto in search of litter, which she collects and disposes of appropriately. She says her motivation to do this community service was born out of a desire to keep the area looking lovely and in the hope that others will be inspired to follow suit. Joanna has also planted an extensive range of flowers and plants outside the cafes along Toronto's foreshore. She has done this all at her own cost. Joanna says she noticed more tourists were visiting the area and wanted to enhance their experience by beautifying public areas. I thank Joanna for this wonderful service she performs for our community.