Tribute to Graham Hudson
3rd June 2020
Mr GREG PIPER (Lake Macquarie)—Graham Hudson has had a very big impact on a very large number of people. The well-known and well-respected teacher last month celebrated 50 years of teaching with the Department of Education. Graham is currently teaching mathematics at Toronto High School which is where his brother Leo has taught German and French for 45 years. Leo announced his retirement in 2012 but is still there. There is no retirement plan on the horizon for Graham either. Toronto principal Mark McConville said the school is proud to have “these two absolute legends of education” still teaching at the school. With the ongoing pandemic affecting teaching methods, Graham passed his 50-year milestone during an online class being conducted on Zoom where he received a standing ovation from his students. He began teaching at Tenterfield and, after being conscripted to serve in peacekeeping forces in Singapore and Malaysia, later taught at Broadmeadow, Dungog, Cardiff, Newcastle, Whitebridge and Toronto high schools, all in the Hunter Valley region. He has literally taught many thousands of people of local people and remains very well-known and respected. I acknowledge his extraordinary milestone and thank him for his service.