Public Accounts Committee

14th October 2020

Mr GREG PIPER (Lake Macquarie) (13:03:29): As Chair: I state, as have other chairs before me, that the review process by the committee of reports from the Auditor-General is very important to the accountability of the Executive Government and government agencies. Reports are reviewed to see which warrant follow-up based on the response of the agency to the Auditor-General's recommendations. A number of these reviews can be and are satisfied by written correspondence. For this period five reports were dealt with in this manner: progress and measurement of the Premier's Priorities, mobile speed cameras, government advertising, supply of secondary teachers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics-related disciplines and the Transport Access Program.

I make particular reference to those reports that were subject to public hearings and subsequent recommendations: managing anti-social behaviour in public housing, unsolicited proposal process for the lease of Ausgrid, Newcastle Urban Transformation and Transport Program, property asset utilisation and firearms Regulation. Stemming from the public hearings the six recommendations included improving transparency and probity around unsolicited proposals, measures to improve the management and use of property assets, and two recommendations in relation to the management of firearm ownership, including the need for sufficient resources to allow the police to complete the Digital Transformation Project to modernise the management of the Firearms Registry.

I thank the witnesses who appeared before the committee. I acknowledge that the evidence provided was informative and gave confidence that the recommendations of the Auditor-General were being acted on, generally, appropriately. I believe the outcomes of the audit and examinations will have added value to the governance in New South Wales and the report will, when accessed by members of this place or others, provide a useful overview of the matters, as well as a point of reference for future review. I acknowledge my committee colleagues: Ms Tanya Davies, deputy chair and member for Mulgoa; Mr Justin Clancy, the member for Albury; Mr Lee Evans, the member for Heathcote; Mr Ryan Park, the member for Keira; Ms Felicity Wilson, the member for North Shore, and Mr Adam Crouch, the member for Terrigal. I thank the committee secretariat for managing the inquiry process, including the preparation of this report. Most importantly, I acknowledge and thank the Auditor-General, Margaret Crawford, and the Audit Office staff for their professional work in not only carrying out the performance audits but also assisting the Public Accounts Committee through the examination and public hearing process.

TEMPORARY SPEAKER (Ms Sonia Hornery): The question is that the House take note of the report.

Report noted.

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