COVID UPDATE - Wednesday February 10

The Premier has today announced a further easing of restrictions. From Friday, venues such as cafes, restaurants, clubs and pubs, retail outlets etc will be allowed one person per 2sqm of floorspace except for gyms which will remain at one person per 4sqm.

Other rules such as limits on weddings and funerals remain for now, including the ban on group singing and dancing in any setting, including places of worship. NSW Health still regards these activities as high risk.

The announcement came as NSW recorded zero new cases of community transmission for the 24th day in a row, and just 4 new cases among the returned overseas travellers in quarantine.

Victoria is again a concern, with two new cases of community transmission reported there.

The Hunter-New England region has now gone 188 days without a locally-acquired case.

The number of active cases in NSW remains at 9. There are 16 in Victoria, 6 in QLD, 9 in WA, 4 in SA and 4 in the NT. Tasmania and the ACT have zero active cases.

Australia's death toll remains at 909 with 56 in NSW and 820 in Victoria.

Please continue to stay safe, vigilant, maintain the social distancing, and wear a mask if you have to visit places where social distancing is difficult.

Don't forget, if you have any symptoms, however minor, please self-isolate and get tested immediately.