Tribute to Beverly Cowdroy

9th February 2021

Mr GREG PIPER (Lake Macquarie)—I'm honoured to acknowledge the efforts of a wonderful woman from Kilaben Bay who has devoted more than 45 years of her life to volunteering in the community, while at the same time raising three children and caring for chronically ill older family members. Beverly Cowdroy's selfless commitment to the wider Toronto community is truly remarkable. She has volunteered across multiple organisations, groups and institutions. Drawing on her experience as an occupational therapist, she helped to establish the Volunteer Training Centre in Hamilton for the Department of Health, and then concurrently as a volunteer lead the transformation of Toronto Day Centre into the Toronto Activity Centre, which enabled participants suffering stroke or age-related illness to meet for activities to improve their mobility and quality of life. Beverly also participated in Toronto Uniting Church's Pastoral Care activity, initiating its reorganisation to satisfy government accreditation and OHS requirements. Beverly took on the position as Secretary of Toronto High School P&C, continuing in that role for 8 years, and has been instrumental in the expansion and growth of Toronto U3A. I congratulate Beverly on her wonderful and selfless contribution to the wider Toronto community.

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