Lisa Greissl

24th March 2021

Mr GREG PIPER (Lake Macquarie)—Being diagnosed with cancer is something everyone fears, but remains a sad reality for one out of every two Australians. I'd like to acknowledge the excellent work being done by Lisa Greissl from Macquarie Hills, the founder of non-profit charity Big Hug Box. The devastating toll cancer can take is something Lisa knows well after being diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of cancer on her spine in 2015. Lisa created Big Hug Box in 2018. The now-national program delivers specialty gift boxes to people undergoing treatment. The Big Hug Boxes contain thoughtful, practical and luxurious items such as organic bamboo pillow cases which can help people suffering with scalp sensitivity from hair loss, to anti-nausea tea and moisturising cream for people with sensitive skin. Lisa has also created Buddy Boxes for children and young people which contain things like interactive games and cosy bed socks. This year the organisation along with Cure Cancer Australia aims to deliver 1000 Buddy Boxes to young people attending Camp Quality. All money raised from the boxes goes to Cure Cancer Australia to help researchers find a cure. I congratulate Lisa and her team.

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