26 new cases in Hunter Region, with 54 in HNE Health district.

There were 212 new cases reported statewide in the 24 hours to 8pm last night with 54 of those in the Hunter-New England Area Health District. Of those, however, just 26 are in the Hunter Region with 6 in Lake Macquarie.


9 are from Newcastle LGA
- 3 from Maryland
- 2 from Hamilton South
- 2 from Jesmond
- 1 from Fletcher
- 1 from Waratah

4 are from Maitland LGA
- 4 from Gillieston Heights

4 are from Port Stephens LGA
- 4 from Glen Oak

6 are from Lake Macquarie LGA
- 3 from Cameron Park
- 3 from Rathmines

3 are from Cessnock LGA
- 1 from Kurri Kurri
- 1 from Neath
- 1 from North Rothbury

15 are from MidCoast
- 8 from Taree
- 2 from Forster
- 2 from Wingham
- 1 from Cedar Party
- 1 from Rainbow Flat
- 1 from Wherrol Flat

7 are from Inverell LGA
- 4 from Inverell
- 3 from Tingha

5 are from Tamworth Regional LGA
- 3 from Tamworth
- 2 from Moonbi

1 is from Moree Plains LGA
- 1 from Moree
- 12 of the total active cases are currently being
cared for in hospital. 3 are currently in ICU.
- 42 cases are linked, 8 are unlinked, 4 are still
under investigation.
- 27 were infectious in the community. 23 were
isolating while infectious. 4 are still under

- 94.2% of people aged 16+ have had one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine
- 91.1% of people aged 16+ have had two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine
- 80.6% of people aged 12-15 have had one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine
- 73.4% of people aged 12-15 have had two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine
In the past 24 hours there were:
- 67,893 tests
- 212 total new cases
- 210 people in hospital
- 32 people in ICU
- 2 deaths

POP-UP VAX CLINIC AT COORANBONG: Hunter-New England Health is holding a pop-up vaccination clinic at Cooranbong today. The clinic is being held in the Community Services Centre at 614 Freemans Drive from 10am to 1pm. Pfizer vaccinations are available for everyone aged 12+ (either first or second dose), booster shots for people aged 18+ (if it's been six months since your second dose) or 3rd dose for immunocompromised people. No bookings required, just bring your Medicare card and some ID.
A similar clinic will be held at Booragul this Sunday.

TESTING: Testing remains a really important part of our battle with Covid-19. Please don't be complacent. If you experience any symptoms, get tested as soon as possible.

QUESTIONS: Please see my Facebook or Website pages for answers to frequently asked questions. Service NSW also has a 24/7 hotline where people are available to answer questions. You can reach them on 13 77 88.