Work to start on Cardiff intersection upgrade
20th May 2022
¿ Work on the $4.1m upgrade of the Macquarie Rd/Munibung Rd/Myall Rd intersection at Cardiff will start on Sunday.
¿ Most of the work will be done during the nights from 7pm to 5am but there will be occasional days when work is carried out through the day.
¿ It's going to take about 8 months to complete and will be finished early next year. I'm sure the wait will be worth it!
¿ A summary of the upgrade is below (and pictured), but please take a little extra care when travelling through that area.
¿ The work includes:
• extending the right turning lane on Macquarie Road into Munibung Road
• reconfiguring the lanes on Myall Road to provide two extended right turn lanes, a through lane and
left turn lane
• reconfiguring the existing left turn lane from Macquarie Road into Munibung Road to be a combined through and left turn lane
• extending the two southbound departure lanes on Macquarie Road by 200 metres from the
intersection. This includes installing a new footpath, new bicycle lane and relocating power poles
• providing an additional pedestrian crossing on the northern side of the intersection (Cardiff Toyota to Cardiff RSL)
• upgrading pedestrian ramps
• making adjustments to the kerbs and traffic light infrastructure at the intersection to better
accommodate heavy vehicle movements
• banning the right turn from Munibung Road. Motorists will need to use Pendlebury Road to turn
right onto Macquarie Road
• installation of new road drainage on Macquarie Road
• removing parking permanently along sections of Macquarie Road to improve traffic flow through the intersection, particularly during peak hours.