Zachary Wong
17th November 2022
Mr GREG PIPER (Lake Macquarie)—I'd like to congratulate the exceptionally talented Zachary Wong from Charlton Christian College who has been nominated to have his HSC Major Artwork shown at the next Artexpress exhibition. Only the most outstanding student artworks across the state are considered for inclusion in Artexpress which is held annually at the New South Wales Art Gallery, so to be nominated for inclusion in this prestigious art show is a huge achievement. 17-year-old Zachary produced a short film titled 'Vibrance in the Key of D Minor' which aims to explore the subject matter of loneliness, change and meaning in life. Drawing on inspiration from his favourite film and television programs, the short film-noir style work is reflective of Zachary's personal struggle with the monotony of everyday life. And I must say it is exceptionally good. Zachary says that he produced the film to highlight the common plight of loneliness, and through various dramatic techniques he encourages the audience to evaluate, find a change and bring meaning to their lives. I wish Zachary all the best with Artexpress and look forward to seeing his future productions.
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