New walking trails open at Martinsville
5th May 2023

Yesterday, NSW Forestry Corporation and the University of Newcastle officially opened the Littlejohn’s Tree Frog Walking Trail at The Pines Picnic area in the Olney State Forest, Martinsville.
Recent surveys found the Littlejohn’s Tree Frog and the Giant Burrowing Frog were setting up camp in the water filled ditches of illegal tracks made by 4wd’s and dirt bikes. They have now been transformed into a new protected habitat.
Jessica and Kathy from Forestry and Dr Alex Cullen from the Uni took us on the walk and explained the threat to the fragile biodiversity and how the new habitat will help rebuild frog populations.
You can get the kids involved in some citizen science by downloading the FrogID app. Record your findings to help collect vital data!
Congratulations to everyone involved! I strongly suggest a leisurely trip into the mountains to see our beautiful forests! The walking trail, ponds and boardwalks connect The Pines picnic area and The Pines camping ground at the end of Palmers Road in Martinsville.