Toronto and District Garden Club

20th September 2023

Mr GREG PIPER (Lake Macquarie)—Lake Macquarie is home to some of the most prized gardens and enthusiastic green thumbs in New South Wales. I recently had the pleasure of joining members of the Toronto and Districts Garden Club when they hosted the 29th annual Garden Club of Australia's convention at Speers Point. Club members under the guidance of President Jennifer Rosewood, Vice President Judith Steele and Secretary Ann Watkins spent months planning and fundraising for this illustrious event, which attracted hundreds of gardening enthusiasts from across Australia. The event marked the start of Lake Macquarie's Living Smart Festival and saw Garden Club of Australia members spend six days exploring a myriad of exceptional gardens across the local area. Over the past 15 years the Toronto and Districts Garden Club has achieved wonderful things. Of course, it offers members the opportunity to access a wealth of cumulative horticultural knowledge, but also provides a space for likeminded people to meet and form friendships. In fact, the club's motto is "Friendships through Gardens". Congratulations to all the Toronto and Districts Garden Club members involved in hosting this year's convention, it was an exceptional event.

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